Monday, September 27, 2010

Thought for the month

Growing up, like everyone else, I had thoughts/ideas on where I imagined I would be at this point in my life. Adulthood. I planned every little step and found that the steps I didn't plan where the ones I enjoyed the most or ended up being the most fitting. To this day, whether it is society, my teenage version of myself or things I hear from others-there is that small part of me that ponders "Is this where I should be right now?...Should I be in a different place? What would so-and-so think of where I was in my life at this moment"...

Well enough is enough. As I ponder this thought for myself, I share it with you too-to also ponder. I would like to take those thoughts and kick them into space...RELEASE of expectations, RELEASE of limitations, RELEASE of confinement, RELEASE of judgement, RELEASE of ego...release.

Because honestly...who cares? There's no tally at the end, or scorekeeper if you will, telling you what you missed or didn't get done. Everyone has their own journey.

This is so true. So whether you think you are where you need to be in your life at this exact moment in time, or not...Just BE.

Be your best version of yourself, because NO one else can be you.

Live for the experience and the growth you can achieve. Ego is one of the most dangerous things out there...It can start wars.

So let it go. Breathe...and release! Enjoy :)

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