Friday, March 27, 2009

"Fit-Ful" Friday blog for 3/27/09


I see this word becoming a rare occurence and it saddens me. Recently in the news, a story exemplifying "lack of compassion" became a headliner.

I'm sure we can all think of a situation where we experienced lack of compassion...Hopefully, you can think of a time in your life where someone was compassionate with you...And you, for someone else.

If everyone could take the time to understand being compassionate, we would live in a happier place.

The audio footage of this current news story made me sick to my stomach and the video clip is difficult to watch. You can YouTube it, however, please be warned.

Provided by The New York Times:
Dallas Police Officer Makes Death Even Worse
Lynn Zinser
As if having your mother-in-law dying of breast cancer was not painful enough, Houston running back Ryan Moats had it made worse by a Dallas police officer who stopped him for running a red light near the hospital, would not listen to his pleas about the circumstances, drew his gun, threatened to arrest him and kept Moats in the parking lot while his mother-in-law died.
The officer, Robert Powell, was put on administrative leave on Thursday and Dallas Police Chief David Kunkle apologized to Moats and his family. “His behavior, in my opinion, did not exhibit the common sense, the discretion, the compassion that we expect our officers to exhibit,” Kunkle told The Associated Press.
Moats’s wife, Tamishia, ignored Powell and ran into the hospital anyway. She arrived at her mother’s bedside just as 45-year-old Jonetta Collinsworth died.
The incident was captured on a 16-minute video (
Part 1 and Part 2), courtesy of Powell’s in-dash video recorder.

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle".

Fit-Ful" is a term created by Lesa which means, the union of fitness and beauty from within (FITness and beautiFUL). Working on fitness to incorporate improved health and self-esteem along with working on internal beauty by developing connections to self image, spirituality of life and society's connection. Beauty from within is much more important than external beauty. How we treat ourselves and others speaks deeper than what clothes we wear.

This is truly beautiful.

Peace and health!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

"Fit-Ful Fridays" blog for 3/20/09

For Anushka, the best doggie :)

Live Life...

Put simply. Nothing else matters but how you live life. The amounts of money, the fancy clothes, the expensive cars, the mansion, the degrees...

In the end...what is your "dash"? We are all born and we will all die, but what we did with the "dash" in between is the most important.

As I say this to you, I am also saying it to myself. We've all had days where we are going 5,000 miles per hour, too busy to return a phone call to a friend, too busy to smile or be courteous to a stranger...but is that all you want your life to be? Numerous examples of these actions?

Recently, my husband and I have come to face losing people and pets whom were the epitome of "living life". They are examples of how I hope to live. Enjoying every minute, teaching positive and never wallowing in the negative.

In the end...did you have time to enjoy yourself and your friends and family?
Did you laugh and play?
Did you smile?

This video clip is about the "dash" and an important reminder of how to stay focused on the important things in life. Material things are just that...material. Love, life and laughter are much deeper and touch people everywhere.

Live Life...


Fit-Ful" is a term created by Lesa which means, the union of fitness and beauty from within (FITness and beautiFUL). Working on fitness to incorporate improved health and self-esteem along with working on internal beauty by developing connections to self image, spirituality of life and society's connection. Beauty from within is much more important than external beauty. How we treat ourselves and others speaks deeper than what clothes we wear.

This is truly beautiful.

Peace and health!

Friday, March 13, 2009

"Fit-Ful Fridays!" blog for 3/13/09

Get your physical activity anywhere...

Who says you have to use fancy gym equipment to get a great workout?

Try these steps to include more activity into your daily routine...FREE!

1. Don't worry about fighting over a rockstar parking spot anymore. Park far, walk more and get additional exercise. Free and stress free :)

2. Why wait for an elevator that takes 2 minutes to come down one floor, when you can take the stairs. Also free...!

3. Instead of spending money at the mall...window shop and walk laps around the mall. This way, you get to see all of the new merchandise without the damage to your wallet. At the same time, burn that fat!

4. Commercial breaks are the time you add in crunches, jumping jacks, push ups, lunges...

5. Run...Walk...Skip...around your neighborhood, the bay, the beach, the park...enjoy being outside and get your dose of vitamin D while being outside. Exercise and!


"Fit-Ful" is a term created by Lesa which means, the union of fitness and beauty from within (FITness and beautiFUL). Working on fitness to incorporate improved health and self-esteem along with working on internal beauty by developing connections to self image, spirituality of life and society's connection. Beauty from within is much more important than external beauty. How we treat ourselves and others speaks deeper than what clothes we wear.

This is truly beautiful.

Peace and health!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"Fit-Ful Fridays" blog for 3/6/09

What does the word "CAN'T" mean to you?

Do you give it meaning or do you disregard it?
Personally, I loathe the word. I think it is a waste of breath and does no good to anyone who uses it. I used to make my students give me 20 push ups when they used it. I need to bring that practice back because I am writing this blog due to, what I have seen in classes, the recent re-surfacing of this word.

When was the last time you used "CAN'T"? What was it for?

When working out, there will most likely be times where you hate the workout and do not want to go on...this is why you must push even more!

Similar to life-there may be times where you just want to stop..."Give me a break!" You might feel like screaming. Yet, you must not give up. We keep striving...for ourselves, for our family.

Challenges are not obstacles, they are growth. Application of the knowledge you attain during a challenge shows your growth...mentally, physically, spiritually. Next time you have a challenge in front of you and another piles up...and another...and not get frustrated. Flip your view of it. See it as a "growth spurt". Rather than simply "getting through it", breathe and learn.

Sometimes easier said than done. But with practice, all things get easier.

Good Luck!!!

To contact Lesa regarding classes and personal training, please email:

"Fit-Ful" is a term created by Lesa which means, the union of fitness and beauty from within (FITness and beautiFUL). Working on fitness to incorporate improved health and self-esteem along with working on internal beauty by developing connections to self image, spirituality of life and society's connection. Beauty from within is much more important than external beauty. How we treat ourselves and others speaks deeper than what clothes we wear.

This is truly beautiful.

Peace and health!

"Fit-Ful Fridays" blog for 2/27/09

Some easy to follow tips on etiquette...Sometimes I wonder if etiquette is a lost art. See if you've committed any of these:

"Fit-Ful" is a term created by Lesa which means, the union of fitness and beauty from within (FITness and beautiFUL). Working on fitness to incorporate improved health and self-esteem along with working on internal beauty by developing connections to self image, spirituality of life and society's connection. Beauty from within is much more important than external beauty. How we treat ourselves and others speaks deeper than what clothes we wear. This is truly beautiful.Peace and health!
