Friday, January 30, 2009

"Fit-Ful Fridays!"

Go out and LAUGH!

Laugh at yourself, laugh with friends, laugh with family.
People are sooooooo serious sometimes. Rent a comedy, have some friends over and laugh together!

Feel the vibration of the laughter moving throughout the body and into the energy of the room.
We ALL you refer to it...We are all made up of energy and what we hold in our bodies, we pass to others...all the time.

Have you ever been around someone who is tense or had a nervous energy? Then when you leave, you feel a little tense and nervous? That's because energy is passed along. Everything we touch vibrates and receives our, and everyone else's, energy.

So...go out into the world, vibrate a positive energy and share it with each other.

For more info on Lesa and classes she teaches, please visit her website:

Peace and health!

Friday, January 23, 2009

"Fit-Ful" Fridays!

"Commercials serve a purpose...Now..."

Starting today they do...besides finding products that you may be able to use, use these breaks to incorporate some physical activity!

Commercial breaks run between 2-3 minutes. Try these exercises during the next television breaks you run into:

Jumping jacks...try to go the whole time! Take breaks in between, if you need. Remember, jumping jacks will get the heart rate up which can help you burn fat.

Crunches...again, try to go the whole time! Exhale on the way up, back flat on the floor at rest and shoulders off the floor at work. Crunches DO work, if you do them correctly! Full sit ups will work the entire Rectus Abdominus ("six pack") so you can switch between the two. In regards to "loosing belly fat", cardio and good eating habits are KEY. I can't stress this enough!

Push ups...whether you are doing these modified or standard, keep the spine straight, the stomach pulled in and look at the floor above the hands (keeps the neck long).

These basic exercises are definitely going to change the way you feel if you apply them to your commercial breaks! Try it out for a week and see how you feel...You'll be surprised how much easier it gets when you actually do it on a regular basis...Don't get discouraged!!!

For more ideas on workout exercises, attend Lesa's LMG Dance and Fitness Boot Camp class (the 3rd Saturday of the month, 10-11am at Dance Place).

See website for more details:

Friday, January 16, 2009

"Fit-Ful" Fridays!

Do Vampires really exist?!

The answer is yes...however, maybe not in the form you envision.

I call them: "The Energy Suckers".

These are people who "suck your energy".
These are people who are constantly negative, can't see the silver lining, always catch my drift.

Take a moment to think about your group of friends, family, colleagues---people you are exposed to on a regular basis.

They can be people you love. They may have no idea that they are a "Vampire".

Part of being healthy is also taking care of yourself and what you choose to expose yourself to: Negativity is toxic.

Let's try an exercise: The next time something takes place that is not what you might have been expecting, flip it. Find the silver lining. This exercise seems basic, and it is, but majority of us do not practice it.

Next time your Energy Sucker comes around, share some silver lining with them. If they respond with another negative, feel free to politely end the conversation and remove yourself from the negative energy.

Vampires DO exist. Protect yourself.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

"Fit-Ful Friday" blog for 1/9/09

"Outside is Free"

Happy Fit-Ful Friday! Please enjoy this excerpt from my book, "Train Well, Dance Well, Live Well"...
Available for purchase on my website

"I mentioned before that you don't need to spend a lot of money to get fit.

You can workout in nature and use your body as resistance. Jogging and running can make exercise more exciting. Don't ever feel like the only way to work out is in a fancy gym. Weight bearing exercise like push ups, sit ups, plank, mountain climbers, squats and lunges are all things you can do outside. Parks and beaches are gorgeous for those who feel cramped in a gym. Get outside and get moving!

There are no excuses."

For more fitness and nutrition tips, purchase Lesa's new book!

Friday, January 2, 2009

"Fit-Ful Fridays"

Happy New Year!

So it's 2009 and we are starting off fresh...Today's blog is simple, straight forward yet helpful:

To enter 2009 with reduced stress, increased laughter and gratuitous success: Manage your time.

Make lists, use a planner, put schedules into your phone, write on calendars...Make sure you prioritize and get things that need to be "done" first, completed. This alone can reduce stress.

Make sure you include time to yourself, with family, friends and pets.

Take time to breathe, relax and fuel the body. Exercise, healthy eating habits, plenty of water and rest. Enroll in an exercise class-try it with a friend so you have added motivation.

That's it folks. Try it out!

Here's to a happy, healthy 2009!

LMG Dance and Fitness
Check out Lesa's website to stay up to date on 2009 classes and personal training!