Friday, December 26, 2008

"Fit-Ful" Fridays

I hope today finds you full of love and joy...Merry After Christmas :)
(and all other holiday salutations, too! :)

New Year's Resolution...
How about "all year" resolution? Why don't we start a new tradition...Rather than waiting for a whole year and picking one resolution, why don't we apply it all the time and start to live healthy. This doesn't JUST mean working out in the new year or eating healthier in the new year. It means treating yourself and others with respect, being nice to yourself and to others...And not only for the month of January (because that is when you remember to), but ALL year.

Is Chivalry Dead?
That's really all I need to write here. The thing that confuses me every year: How "the holiday spirit" now means, "the only time to show manners and tact". What happened? And does it really take the "holidays" to remember how to treat each other? Happiness is contagious. Be the bigger person and start the wave of chivalry back into our world again. All it takes is one smile to a stranger, one holding the door open, one "excuse me" rather than pushing, one "thank you" (that is my favorite one!), one waiting for people to leave an elevator before rushing in, one returned phone call/email to let someone know you think of them, one hug...

That's it. Forget about the person who frowns at you when you first attempt this. Ignore the person that pushes you and doesn't say "sorry" or "excuse me". Eventually, they will get it (understand). And really, it's not your job to make sure they do. If you get it (understand) and you spread it when you can, you are doing your job...Your job as a human being. Not everyone is a teacher, but it is up to those who can (or are in a position to have their voices heard), to do so.

Otherwise chivalry will die. Our kids (the future-whether you have children or not) deserve to experience a world where chivalry exists.

Here's to Chivalry!

Happiest New Year and remember to love yourself and share that love with others too!
LMG Dance and Fitness
Check out Lesa's company website to keep up to date on group classes and personal training in the new year.

Friday, December 19, 2008

"Fit-Ful Fridays"

Happy Friday and Healthy Holidays to you!


Many people ask me, "How can I make healthier eating choices?"
And my first response is, "Make sure the items in your home are healthy choices"

Chances are, if it's in your're gonna eat it.
It's as simple as that. Really! There is no magic theorem. That's it.

You've heard of Spring cleaning! Let's go-into the kitchen. Look through your cabinets, refrigerator, freezer, secret cubbies :)


I know. You may have just purchased it. But, toss it. Better yet, put together a bag or box to pass these items along to a homeless shelter.

If it's not in your home, you are less likely to eat it. Hard to eat something that's not there, right? ;)

Now here is the challenge---you DO NOT make a stop to get said JUNK and eat it "to go". Junk is junk, whether it is in your home or "to go".

Thought I would miss that didn't cha.

Maintaining your weight or losing weight is based on a simple ratio:
calories-in vs. energy-out

What is your ratio?


You can treat yourself!

People assume that eating healthy means NEVER having their favorite foods ever.

Not true. You can. Just not everyday.

The more you restrict yourself, the more likely you are to jump off the bandwagon. If a person has never made changes to their diet, it would typically be difficult for them to eat only broccoli and chicken.

Slow and steady wins the race.

Everyone needs a different percentage of how they break this down for themselves. Everyone is different. Start with a ratio and change it as you go:

Maybe you start with an 80/20 split. 80% of the time, you eat healthy and smart. 20% of the time, you treat yourself. As you get more conditioned, you can increase it to 85/15, then eventually 90/10.

Believe me, once you make the change to incorporating healthier choices, you will feel great, your skin will clear up, you will have more energy and you won't even NEED/WANT it anymore.

Sounds good to me.

Peace and health!


LMG Dance and Fitness

*For more fitness tips, check out Lesa's new book "Train Well, Dance Well, Live Well"

Available on the website today!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Fit-Ful Fridays

Hello World!

Welcome to the first blog of LMG Dance and Fitness. I am proud to bring you weekly health and fitness tips to follow throughout your weekends. My company, LMG Dance and Fitness, is a mobile personal training company-I like to call it, "your one stop shop for fitness and health".

LMG Dance and Fitness has male and female certified personal trainers, we offer group Yoga/private Yoga along with private Dance lessons (specializing in Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Modern, Ballet).

If you are needing a little guidance or inspiration to incorporate into your daily routine, please visit the LMG Dance and Fitness Fit-Ful Fridays posts!
*These posts are only advice and suggestions. Those concerned with health problems should first contact their Doctors, as I am not a Doctor.


During this month of holiday celebration and end of the year projects, remember to BREATHE.
Many people forget to breathe, or just breathe enough to survive. Why not breathe deeply enough to reap the full benefits associated with deep breathing techniques: Full range of lung space, slower resting heart rates, calm demeanor, less muscular tension and increased focus.

Sounds good to me! As a certified Yoga instructor, I have seen the benefits of Yoga AND breathing techniques. I am currently doing research for my Thesis pertaining to these benefits. I hope to "open the eyes" of those whom still think Yoga is a "fad". The funny thing is, Yoga existed well before America discovered it. There are proven benefits of increased breathing techniques and the asanas (postures) performed during Yoga classes.

When in doubt, BREATHE.
Then breathe some more.
...And smile!

For more info on stress relief, please visit Lesa's LMG Dance and Fitness blogs every Friday!

Lesa also has a Thursday evening Ambient Yoga class from 6:30-7:30pm. A class purely for those needing relaxation.

"Train Well, Dance Well, Live Well"
Written by Lesa G. Williams and on sale now, please visit her website!