Friday, December 19, 2008

"Fit-Ful Fridays"

Happy Friday and Healthy Holidays to you!


Many people ask me, "How can I make healthier eating choices?"
And my first response is, "Make sure the items in your home are healthy choices"

Chances are, if it's in your're gonna eat it.
It's as simple as that. Really! There is no magic theorem. That's it.

You've heard of Spring cleaning! Let's go-into the kitchen. Look through your cabinets, refrigerator, freezer, secret cubbies :)


I know. You may have just purchased it. But, toss it. Better yet, put together a bag or box to pass these items along to a homeless shelter.

If it's not in your home, you are less likely to eat it. Hard to eat something that's not there, right? ;)

Now here is the challenge---you DO NOT make a stop to get said JUNK and eat it "to go". Junk is junk, whether it is in your home or "to go".

Thought I would miss that didn't cha.

Maintaining your weight or losing weight is based on a simple ratio:
calories-in vs. energy-out

What is your ratio?


You can treat yourself!

People assume that eating healthy means NEVER having their favorite foods ever.

Not true. You can. Just not everyday.

The more you restrict yourself, the more likely you are to jump off the bandwagon. If a person has never made changes to their diet, it would typically be difficult for them to eat only broccoli and chicken.

Slow and steady wins the race.

Everyone needs a different percentage of how they break this down for themselves. Everyone is different. Start with a ratio and change it as you go:

Maybe you start with an 80/20 split. 80% of the time, you eat healthy and smart. 20% of the time, you treat yourself. As you get more conditioned, you can increase it to 85/15, then eventually 90/10.

Believe me, once you make the change to incorporating healthier choices, you will feel great, your skin will clear up, you will have more energy and you won't even NEED/WANT it anymore.

Sounds good to me.

Peace and health!


LMG Dance and Fitness

*For more fitness tips, check out Lesa's new book "Train Well, Dance Well, Live Well"

Available on the website today!