Friday, December 26, 2008

"Fit-Ful" Fridays

I hope today finds you full of love and joy...Merry After Christmas :)
(and all other holiday salutations, too! :)

New Year's Resolution...
How about "all year" resolution? Why don't we start a new tradition...Rather than waiting for a whole year and picking one resolution, why don't we apply it all the time and start to live healthy. This doesn't JUST mean working out in the new year or eating healthier in the new year. It means treating yourself and others with respect, being nice to yourself and to others...And not only for the month of January (because that is when you remember to), but ALL year.

Is Chivalry Dead?
That's really all I need to write here. The thing that confuses me every year: How "the holiday spirit" now means, "the only time to show manners and tact". What happened? And does it really take the "holidays" to remember how to treat each other? Happiness is contagious. Be the bigger person and start the wave of chivalry back into our world again. All it takes is one smile to a stranger, one holding the door open, one "excuse me" rather than pushing, one "thank you" (that is my favorite one!), one waiting for people to leave an elevator before rushing in, one returned phone call/email to let someone know you think of them, one hug...

That's it. Forget about the person who frowns at you when you first attempt this. Ignore the person that pushes you and doesn't say "sorry" or "excuse me". Eventually, they will get it (understand). And really, it's not your job to make sure they do. If you get it (understand) and you spread it when you can, you are doing your job...Your job as a human being. Not everyone is a teacher, but it is up to those who can (or are in a position to have their voices heard), to do so.

Otherwise chivalry will die. Our kids (the future-whether you have children or not) deserve to experience a world where chivalry exists.

Here's to Chivalry!

Happiest New Year and remember to love yourself and share that love with others too!
LMG Dance and Fitness
Check out Lesa's company website to keep up to date on group classes and personal training in the new year.