Sunday, May 24, 2009

"Fit-Ful" Fridays blog for 5/29/09

If Creating A Rockin' Bod Was Easy...
We'd All Have One!

Vince Delmonte, the author of one of the most popular fitness programs online, says in his No nonsense 6 pack quest e-book:

"I want to elaborate on the power of shorter rest intervals, which I believe is the most underestimated variable to maximize metabolism and build muscle. Whether you are training for muscle or fat loss, I can’t recall the last time I saw someone in the gym training with any degree of oxygen debt, or sucking in air, as I prefer to call it. What you do see are people sitting on the bench looking around, chatting up a storm, or talking on their cell phone. It amazes me how many people expect to transform their body without sweating and going into any oxygen debt during their workout."

I never said getting into the best shape of your life is going to be easy.


Peace and health!