Wednesday, July 1, 2009

"Fit-Ful Fridays" blog for 7/3/09

What is:

The Mix Technique?

Coming this Summer...Exclusively offered at

The Mix Technique™A 60-minute workout class blending elements of Ballet barre, floor barre, Pilates and Yoga. Created by professional dancer, certified personal trainer, certified Yoga instructor and author, Lesa G. Williams, The Mix Technique (trademark pending) is a class that combines the essential techniques of dance and fitness. This class is exclusively offered at LMG Dance and Fitness' studio, MIX. The goal is to achieve the lean, toned muscles comparable to dancers while also receiving cardiovascular exercise and achieving flexibility. Clients will notice improvements in core strength, flexibility and will gain the toned, lean muscles of dancers and Yogis/Yoginis.

"Fit-Ful" is a term created by Lesa which means, the union of fitness and beauty from within (FITness and beautiFUL). Working on fitness to incorporate improved health and self-esteem along with working on internal beauty by developing connections to self image, spirituality of life and society's connection. Beauty from within is much more important than external beauty. How we treat ourselves and others speaks deeper than what clothes we wear.

This is truly beautiful.

Peace and health!