Wednesday, July 1, 2009

"Fit-Ful Fridays" blog for 6/26/09

It's how you feel
Ladies and gentleman,
When working out and eating healthy (remember, always BOTH) it's how you FEEL...not solely what the scale says. The scale is only going to tell you how much you weigh. It's not going to tell you what is muscle and what is fat. You can tell if your clothes fit differently, if you feel better in your own skin and notice the benefits to working out regularly and eating healthy.
Get a body fat percentage taken if you want to know your breakdown.
13-20% is considered Athletic (for men it is lower, 7-13)
21-29% is considered Average
Be aware of how much your muscle vs. fat ratio breaks down.
40-50% + is considered obese.
Clients can get body fat percentage reads at LMG Dance and Fitness.
Like G.I. Joe says, "Knowing is half the battle!"

"Fit-Ful" is a term created by Lesa which means, the union of fitness and beauty from within (FITness and beautiFUL). Working on fitness to incorporate improved health and self-esteem along with working on internal beauty by developing connections to self image, spirituality of life and society's connection. Beauty from within is much more important than external beauty. How we treat ourselves and others speaks deeper than what clothes we wear.

This is truly beautiful.

Peace and health!