Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Fit-Ful Friday" for 1/15/10


There is something to be said about the people around you and the support we give and receive from each other.

You are your number one fan (and if that doesn't apply today-make it apply).

Remember, it takes support to give support. Share this feeling with your family and friends.

People who feel supported perform better in all areas of life.

Many times, we find we are very busy, but you must make time for what you love.

Good luck!

"Fit-Ful" is a term created by Lesa which means, the union of fitness and beauty from within (FITness and beautiFUL). Working on fitness to incorporate improved health and self-esteem along with working on internal beauty by developing connections to self image, spirituality of life and society's connection. Beauty from within is much more important than external beauty. How we treat ourselves and others speaks deeper than what clothes we wear.

This is truly beautiful.

Peace and health!

Visit us at our new studio location:
4836 Rolando Blvd. SD, CA 92115