Friday, January 16, 2009

"Fit-Ful" Fridays!

Do Vampires really exist?!

The answer is yes...however, maybe not in the form you envision.

I call them: "The Energy Suckers".

These are people who "suck your energy".
These are people who are constantly negative, can't see the silver lining, always catch my drift.

Take a moment to think about your group of friends, family, colleagues---people you are exposed to on a regular basis.

They can be people you love. They may have no idea that they are a "Vampire".

Part of being healthy is also taking care of yourself and what you choose to expose yourself to: Negativity is toxic.

Let's try an exercise: The next time something takes place that is not what you might have been expecting, flip it. Find the silver lining. This exercise seems basic, and it is, but majority of us do not practice it.

Next time your Energy Sucker comes around, share some silver lining with them. If they respond with another negative, feel free to politely end the conversation and remove yourself from the negative energy.

Vampires DO exist. Protect yourself.