Friday, January 23, 2009

"Fit-Ful" Fridays!

"Commercials serve a purpose...Now..."

Starting today they do...besides finding products that you may be able to use, use these breaks to incorporate some physical activity!

Commercial breaks run between 2-3 minutes. Try these exercises during the next television breaks you run into:

Jumping jacks...try to go the whole time! Take breaks in between, if you need. Remember, jumping jacks will get the heart rate up which can help you burn fat.

Crunches...again, try to go the whole time! Exhale on the way up, back flat on the floor at rest and shoulders off the floor at work. Crunches DO work, if you do them correctly! Full sit ups will work the entire Rectus Abdominus ("six pack") so you can switch between the two. In regards to "loosing belly fat", cardio and good eating habits are KEY. I can't stress this enough!

Push ups...whether you are doing these modified or standard, keep the spine straight, the stomach pulled in and look at the floor above the hands (keeps the neck long).

These basic exercises are definitely going to change the way you feel if you apply them to your commercial breaks! Try it out for a week and see how you feel...You'll be surprised how much easier it gets when you actually do it on a regular basis...Don't get discouraged!!!

For more ideas on workout exercises, attend Lesa's LMG Dance and Fitness Boot Camp class (the 3rd Saturday of the month, 10-11am at Dance Place).

See website for more details: